This Entrepreneur Is Combining Spirituality & Finance To Uplift Her Community

Mohamed “MB Salone” Barrie
2 min readApr 9, 2021
MUA: Kashmina Beats — Photo: Kelly Simpson

Goddis KE, born in Tampa, FL on August 9, 1986 is a serial entrepreneur stemming from a Black and Cuban background. She now has southern holistic views & also handmakes & sells remedies. Lately she has been priding herself in her mission, which includes educating her community to become financially independent. Supporters and fans are inspired by her story because she had such a rough childhood and developed deep roots over time that caused her to become the iconic & radical woman she is today.

Growing up as an at risk youth, moving around in and out of state was the norm for KE. As an adult she went into the Air Force at 17 years old for 6 years total & left with an honorable discharge. It was never her dream to be in the military but her circumstances at the time drove there. She later married her childhood sweetheart at 19 and had 4 kids by the time she left the military.

In 2010, KE started Nappy Queens hair styling, had a spiritual awakening and eventually moved to Atlanta. It wasn’t until 2015 that she fully let go of her vices, changed her life & became a certified birth doula. She ended up working for a record label called Vector doing styling for music videos and photo shoots.

Around the same time as Hurricane Irma hit, she decided to get a divorce & ended up moving to St. Louis because of the storm. There, she attended college to take necessary courses for a midwife program. In 2018 she became a full spectrum birth doula, opened an LLC named LoveOlogy. Love, manifestation & financial literacy is what keeps her going.

Never Not Working, LLC is a business she started to help her community become entrepreneurs. Business plans, resumes, credit help, passive and residual income education are all a part of her curriculum.

Having a remedy for everything, whether it’s your mind, body, soul, spirit…She knows she is a goddess because everything she puts her mind to she can accomplish which has led to her becoming an inspiration to many people in her niche.

Be sure to follow her on Instagram @GoddisKE

