Top 5 Easiest Ways To Grow Your Instagram In 2019!

You may be skipping some SIMPLE steps that will earn your account thousands of engagements per week

Mohamed “MB Salone” Barrie
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash

1. Story Hashtags ###

We all know the magic of using hashtags in our posts to boost discovery, but one thing i notice that works EVEN BETTER is using hashtags in my story. Millions of people watch hashtag stories daily, so this will surely bring some new eyes from your niche that could possibly turn into a customer or a new follower. As a music producer, my go-to hashtags for my stories are (#producer #flstudio #beats #singer #rapper #soundcloud #spotify). They make a tremendous difference, sometimes they add over 200 new views per story. This 1 easy change could bring you thousands of new impressions per week, depending on how often you post stories.


  • Make sure your tags match the type of content you are posting. For example, if you are cooking or eating, the hashtag #food or #foodie performs very well, i expect at least 100 viewers when I use them.
  • Make sure your video or photo is clear as possible, higher quality videos perform better.
  • Do not use too many hashtags at once, the most i have seen on my insights on 1 story is 2 hashtags, even if i put 5 of them, only 2 will show up in the insights.
  • Do not make the hashtag too small or move it off the screen.
  • Most importantly, use the correct tag. For example, the page for #singer has 31 million more posts from users and more people checking it out than the hashtag #singers, that’s a major difference! In another words, do your research and make sure you’re making the right decisions when hashtagging. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience and spell the tags the correct way, make sure you check the number of posts related to each tag.

2. Story Locations 📍

For tagging a location, it’s basically the same principal as the hashtags, only difference is that your location may not be as active as your niche hashtag. For example, there are millions of people looking at the location story for Los Angeles, CA but not nearly as many for a city such as Jacksonville, FL. This is basic math, it makes sense because Los Angeles has about 20 times more people living there than Jacksonville, even though Jacksonville is a larger city. Other things also come into consideration, such as Los Angeles being a tourist city and has been publicized in many movies and TV shows for the world to see.

Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

This one is simple, set it and forget it! Just put in your location and depending on the amount of people that are on Instagram in that area, you may get up to 200 new views from that as well, maybe more.

3. Thoughtful Comments 💬

Leaving a comment that looks like spam won’t get you too far, a little effort goes a long way so before leaving that comment that says “Nice Bro” you could go into detail a little about what you thought was nice, it makes a big difference. On more than one occasion, I've found myself scouring the comment section of a large media company's Instagram account and always end up checking out the profiles of the funniest of best comments that get the most likes (usually long comments), so i know it works.

Photo by Mael BALLAND on Unsplash

4. Reply To Comments ↩️

The biggest mistake you can make when trying to grow an audience is not engaging with them. That being said, if you have 2 to 3 people that actively comment on your posts, it would be in your best interest to reply to ALL of them. Detail is everything! Do not just reply as fast as you can and move on. Don’t reply to spam though, if anything, delete spam comments.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

5. Post Engaging Content 🐬

Last but not least, post engaging photos & videos. With so much competition on the platform, it would help if your quality was above average and you learn how to captivate your audience. What do they want to see from you? What do you want to show them, the better the creative, the better it will be for you and your brand.

Follow these steps and you will gain more impressions that may lead to much more, you never know, good luck!

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

